Just in case you follow my blog via Google Reader, click through and see my blog uplift! Yeah, I know Chevron is way overused right now, but I can’t get enough! (My nails even have a chevron pattern on them right now.)

Thanks to my husband who quickly redid my logo and favicon. Even from thousands of miles away, he is helping his wifey out!

Guys. I found this blog called Literally Unbelievable that posts stories from The Onion (a satire news site), as interpreted by people on Facebook. I could look at it for hours and laugh the entire time. It is seriously one of the funniest sites I’ve ever seen. Here are my favorites. Bear with me, there are a lot. But you won’t regret looking at them all…



If you’ve checked out my blog since Saturday, you might have noticed my blog looking a little different. I tried out a bunch of new themes, and finally picked out one I like. Today I made a couple extra tweaks and here we are… What do you think? I’m still not sure if I like it as much as the old layout, but I needed something new.

The baby is out of control. She is kicking and moving so much (especially in the morning and late at night). I love it. I really do. It’s so great to finally feel her and know everything is alright. But the constant movement and kicking is making me feel nauseous! All that movement down there, it’s just strange… Will I get used it?

While I’ve got you, I want to hear your opinions on this video. I’m sure you’ve seen the photos before, they went viral a little ways back. My opinion: I think they’re kind of cute and definitely creative, but overall they kind of creep me out. Thoughts?

I told that to T.J. the other day. He just stared at me. What I really meant was that that the limbs, both legs and both arms, were tingling when I woke up in the morning. It’s been happening a lot these days. I just had to leave class a little early because sitting in the chair for two and half hours was making my limbs numb, no matter what position I tried to get in. I guess that baby is stealing all my blood.

Which reminds me, I saw the following “autocomplete” on the fail blog and it seems appropriate to repost it here.

Maybe my baby is a vampire, too.

I finished Abby Alger’s photo blog! Go through it and tell me what you think and please tell me if you see any errors or mistakes!


You have made it to your first birthday (sorry I didn’t write about it on the actual day), but nonetheless, I can’t believe you actually made it here! Through the thick and the thin, you knew exactly what I wanted to share to the world! So, for your birthday, I’m giving you a makeover. And of course, Justin Bieber has something he wants to sing to you.


Your Faithful Writer

My affinity for blogging has grown to the point where I am now creating blogsites for businesses and friends, with my Dad’s business, RM1.net. It’s great because I’ll be able to continue doing this at home with the baby.

Here are two I am currently working on. They still aren’t completely finished, but they’re coming along and they look so much better than the originals. What do you think?

Farley Family Orthodontics

Before v. After

Abby Alger Photography

Before v. After

I seriously love doing this! If you’re interested in taking your blog or website to the next level or are just starting a business and need a brand new site, let me know and we will work something out!

Remember when I used to post multiple times a day, every day?

I promise those days will return in a few weeks.