My friend Ashley in our ward who lives very close has a six month old. Two weeks ago, I watched Brooks for the afternoon on Tuesday when she ran errands in the city. Then on Wednesday, Ashley watched the kids while I went to the temple. Eva and I picked up Brooks from her apartment and then walked back to our place where I put both kids down for a nap. I was expecting it to be horrible and so hard, but of course both kids were angels and went down without crying and slept for hours. I made Ashley remind me how newborns don’t sleep well through the night to get rid of my VERY mild baby hunger. 🙂 It did the trick.

Anyway, it was really nice how it worked out. We both got a much-needed day out and the kids acted well on both days. I’m hoping we can do this more often since it’s hard to get out much in the winter with kids.

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