And shorter it shall go

I cut my hair the first week of December. It’s a little past my shoulders and I didn’t do anything to my bangs because I thought I would try and grow them out.

But now that I cut my hair, I just want to cut it even shorter. I didn’t take too much off last time because I was worried I wouldn’t like it being short, but I had it long for a while so I think it’s time to switch it up even more. Plus, it’s easier and takes less time, which is a huge plus with a newborn.

I’m thinking I’ll get it cut like it is in the pictures below… what do you think? Do you think I should go shorter than that? Should I get straight across bangs? I’m feeling quite adventurous!

On a different note, after looking at these two pictures, I CANNOT wait for summer and get my tan back. Boy oh boy, my skin is pale compared to these photos.

2 replies
  1. Erin
    Erin says:

    I think fair skin is awesome. That’s why I purposely never get tan. It’s not because I can’t. . . .

    Also, your hair is way cute in these pictures. I really don’t know why I’m growing out my hair, because I’m always urging everyone else to cut theirs! But, do what you want, girl! If you want short hair, you should go and get it.

  2. Amanda
    Amanda says:

    I LOVE your hair at this length. I think it looks really good on you. You should cut it. And I love the side sweep bangs, but you could try straight across and see if you like it! Plus they grow so fast! Also, I think I’m gonna come to the Bachelor party tonight. Mainly because I want to hang out you and your baby :).


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