Activity Time
I’m reading the book “The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems” and it’s true… everything I have implented from the book so far has really helped! I highly recommend this book if you want your baby to sleep on her own and leave you with a bit of sanity.
The baby whisperer talks about, what she calls, E.A.S.Y. That stands for Eat, Activity, Sleep, and You time. I’ve been trying to get Eva into this routine and it’s worked like a charm so far. She’s slept five days in a row just getting up once through the night to feed.
Here are a couple glimpses of “Activity” time:
Okay, these videos are just too dang cute. You’ve totally inspired me to take lots of videos whenever I have a baby!
Why had’t you told me that you all had posted these videos? Your dad and I just watched them, and they made our day! They are precious.