A Visit from my Dad
We had a great time with my dad while he was visiting. He had a business thing one afternoon, but the rest of the time, we spent exploring the city and eating way too many delicious treats.
The day he arrived, we went to midtown to get him some new shoes and check out B&H. He was in heaven there, surrounded by all the photography and videography equipment. The next day, we ate at a new place called The City Kitchen and then walked around Times Square. It was like an upscale food court with restaurants from around the city. I really enjoyed it and was happy to find something on Times Square that wasn’t a chain, had enough room for my stroller, and didn’t have a wait! On Friday, we had a small snow storm… on the first day of Spring. Thanks, Mother Nature. I really appreciated that. But that didn’t stop us from getting out! We went to the UWS for lunch at a really cozy diner and then spend the rest of the afternoon at the Natural History Museum. We couldn’t stop laughing when walking there in all of the heavy snowfall… it was such terrible weather to have my dad in town, but it was a funny memory we won’t forget. Then on Saturday, we walked around Newport for a bit then had lunch at Bare Burger near NYU and hung out at Washington Square Park. It never really did warm up for us, but I’m glad we still got out and had a good time! Oh and then Saturday night, we saw the movie Insurgent. Overall, we enjoyed it but then on the walk home, in the mall we sat a rat/huge mouse. It was terrible and makes me cringe just thinking about it. We ran so fast when we saw it run by. YUCK!
On Sunday night, when my dad had left, I cried, of course. Not only was I going to miss my dad, I also realized I really enjoyed his company to walk around the city. I know I’ve talked about it a million times, but since Ashley has left, it just has been really hard. I missed having someone to hang out with everyday and to do stuff in the city with. So, I’m feeling a little sorry for myself, even though I know I shouldn’t. I really am blessed, and hey… at least I have sweet Eva to hang out with and a baby boy/girl in my belly. Plus it’ll warm up (HOPEFULLY?! Or are we going to have Winter forever?) and I’ll feel happier just to be outside, won’t matter the company. Or Ashley could just move back and things could get back to normal. Haha! Oh… wo is meeeeeee!
I wanna come back!!! I miss roaming the city and (let’s face it) the mall too! And most of all I miss you and Eva bug!!!