No, this post is not about a good jog I had. I’m stuck at 15 pounds and so I am very frustrated about that. Instead, this post is actually about the long run The Office has had and how it is now coming to an end.

Did you hear? This is officially the last season. I think I was more sad about Michael Scott leaving than the end of the series, because let’s face it, it’s time. I’m an Office fan through and through. I even started this new blog dedicated to the Office that only the craziest fans would understand. But the funny episodes are getting few and far apart. And the inappropriate material on the show is growing like a weed.

There is talk that Steve Carell Could return for an episode, but nothing is set in stone yet. My only hope is that Parks & Recreation will continue on for a couple more years because I love my Thursday comedy TV night and don’t know how I’ll make it through each week without my favorite office gangs.

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