
#btoml with B.J. Novak

(#btoml=best time of my life)

A couple months ago, I read on a Jersey City blog post that B.J. Novak (Ryan from The Office) was coming to a bookstore a mile away from me to do a book signing for his new book. I marked it on my calendar and knew I had to be there. I tried not to get my hopes up. I didn’t want to think I’d meet him but then not even be able to step in the bookstore.

But I gave it a shot. My father-in-law was in town that night for business and so we picked a restaurant next door to the bookstore. I ate quickly and then snuck out to get in line. Within ten minutes I was next to meet B.J. and was about to have a heart attack. Danica can attest-I was texting her, all caps, saying, “OH MY GOSH WHAT SHOULD I SAY WHAT DO I DO!?!?!?!”

I was SO incredibly nervous/excited to meet him! I didn’t know what to say, so I kept it very brief. I had missed the Q&A since we were at dinner, so I didn’t want to ask him a question he had just answered. So, instead I just asked him to sign it as the Fire Guy (a joke from The Office), he laughed and said sure, then we took a picture together. Kind of lame story, but guys. It was amazing and I was/still am so start-struck!

Screen Shot 2014-02-16 at 7.02.14 PMNow, if I was that excited to meet B.J., can you imagine how excited I would be if I met Steve Carell? I’m pretty sure I was cry and pass out!


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