6 Months
Eva turned 6 months on June 8th. With all the traveling and spending time with my family, I haven’t written about it yet.
But guys, Eva’s getting too cute to handle. I think this stage has been, by far, my favorite (excluding the first couple weeks when she was so tiny and cuddly). Eva is still my sweet little baby but she is getting such a personality and is so fun to be with! My mom and I are convinced that she is growing and learning so much just every day! For example, I was swaddling her all up while all of a sudden, she pulled herself over to her belly. And just this week, she has been rolling onto her sides without any problem.
Her new trick is a growl. Eva growls almost everyday, all day. It’s not like she’s unhappy, it’s just a new sound and she loves to make it. We were at the mall on Friday, she was in the stroller and I put a blanket over it so she would fall asleep. But instead of sleeping, she entertained herself by growling. I felt like I was carting around a little monster… so I have now nicknamed her that. Last night I put her down to go to bed, and I heard her in the room growling for about five minutes. Too funny!
Eva is starting to scoot. If there’s something for her to push off of or something for her to pull forward with, she’ll be on the move (especially if I bribe her with my phone). It’s just a matter of time I think before she starts to crawl, but I would like her to hold back on that for a while because my house is not baby proof yet!
Another thing that’s happened this month, and more so in the past couple weeks, is that she requires baby food at every meal. Milk is not cutting it anymore. We usually feed her baby oatmeal and fruit in the morning, a fruit and a veggie at lunch (she loves pears and sweet potatoes, but I’m trying to get her to eat more greens!), and then turkey baby food with a veggie for dinner. Oh, and don’t forget about snacks. We can’t go out without the little dissolvable sweet potato bites. It’s been fun seeing her try new foods. We’ll give her an apple or peach to suck on and she about has a conniption fit if you take it away from her.
Swimming! Eva loves the water. My parents have a pool on their street so about every other day, we lather her up with sunscreen, and play with her in the pool. She tries to drink the water and loves watching the kids play. Also, she carries this little watering can whenever she’s at the pool. And, just like the apples and peaches… she has a conniption fit if you take it away from her!
The only negative thing, which I hate saying that because nothing she does is negative, is since we’ve been traveling, her sleep pattern at night has been quite a mess. When we went to NY, she had a cold and we were sharing a tiny room with T.J.’s parents. So, when she’d wake up in the night, we would wake up with her and feed her so she’s fall asleep fast. At home, when she wakes up (unless she’s sick), I let her cry herself back to sleep, but she was so good at it that it wouldn’t take long at all. After a week of getting up with her through the night and feeding her, she got in the habit of having a feeding during the night I think. Then we went to my parents and the house was full with lots of adults and two other little kids, so I continued to wake up with her so she’d go back to sleep and not wake everyone up. I was planning on just waiting until I go back to Provo to let her cry it out again, but because I’m going to be here until mid-July, last night I let her cry it out (I told my parents to wear earplugs), and it only took her about twenty minutes each time she woke up in the night. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon! Eva is still napping great, taking about two two-or-three-hour naps everyday. Going to the pool sure helps her napping schedule!
Wow. Who knew I had so much to write! I told you this stage has been my favorite! Enjoy the pics!
Growling, swimming, baths, books, dancing, trying to walk, peek-a-boo, blocks, rolling, watching kids and cars.
Changing clothes, sitting still, waking up out of her swaddling blanket, the sun in her eyes, wearing her sunhat, green beans, the vacuum cleaner.
Rolling from side to side, rolling from her back to her belly, eating baby food regularly, scooting, belly laughing.
Maybe I went in her room today because I just miss her so much. And maybe I’m sleeping in your bed tonight because I miss YOU so much.