3 1/2 Years Old + Funny Eva Sayings
Eva is now three and a half and so I thought I’d write a little post about her. She is still our spunky, energetic, and friendly little girl obsessed with all things princesses and the color blue. She likes to joke with me, say the same joke over and over if she knows it was a hit the first time, and wear dresses nonstop. If she’s wearing shorts, a bribe or threat most likely was made… I don’t know what it is with that girl, but she just HAS to wear a dress/skirt nonstop.
Eva has done well with the move. She has only said she misses her old place in the city two or three times and each time it was when she was really tired or already upset about something else. Eva loves Ariel from Little Mermaid and Elsa, and wants to listen to the song Popular from Wicked on repeat whenever we are in the car. I love the Wicked soundtrack more than the next person, but listening to Popular twenty times a day is getting pretty old. She also likes the Muppets right now and calls them “muffits” which is pretty much adorable. Going to church is another favorite of Eva’s. She has loved Primary this year and has done so well. Because she loves making friends and playing with lots of kids, I thought she’d enjoy soccer and so I took her to a free soccer practice and game meet up in the city a couple times but she wouldn’t do it. She was acting so shy, which was so weird. We will put her in dance this fall, hopefully that one will be more enjoyable!
We potty trained Eva back in January and it went relatively well, except that she wouldn’t go number two on the potty, meaning everyday she’d insist on using a pull-up for when she needed to go. I tried everything that I could think of (seriously, I even cut a hole in a pull-up and sat her on the potty) and read every mommy blog idea but nothing seemed to stick. So, I just stopped caring for a couple of months but once we moved, we decided to get it done and cut out pull ups all together (even at night). It definitely hasn’t been easy. The first couple of days were lots of unsuccessful trips to the bathroom, tears, tantrums, and prayers. Then once she was doing so great and even going if we were out and about, she randomly would have a couple days where she didn’t want to do it again. Some days have been such a pain and honestly makes me so exhausted. But overall, I am SO glad we did it and that by the time fall comes around when she is in preschool it will be in the past! Oh and on the plus side, I was extremely worried about stopping the pull-ups at night, but that part has been a breeze!!! She has woken up dry almost every single night!!! It was amazing, I don’t even understand it because her pull-up used to be wet each morning.
Eva finally is becoming a better eater. She still won’t eat everything we give her, but usually will try everything and even eat meat! I know that probably sounds so silly to you, but for so long, getting Eva to eat anything was a huge struggle. She wouldn’t even eat chicken nuggets… what kid doesn’t like chicken nuggets? Haha! So i’m glad we’re hurdling over that struggle. Plus a dessert bribe if you eat all your dinner definitely helps!
In the Winter, Eva stopped taking naps regularly. I would still put her in her crib everyday with books because she definitely needs quiet time. Then once Spring came around it was too nice to be inside, so we just would put Eva to bed earlier and she’d sleep in later, making up for the nap. But let’s face it, three year olds are just more pleasant to be around at the end of the day if they get a nap, and so, since moving here and getting a car, she finally has been taking some naps here and there in the car! It has been amazing. Going along with sleep habits… now that we have moved, she slept her last night in the crib back in Jersey. I cried after putting her to bed realizing she would sleep in a big bed from now on! Our little Eva is growing up, so it’s a good thing there’s another baby on the way to distract me!
I think that’s enough rambling! Now on to a couple funny Eva sayings:
- Eva loves being here with her grandparents and always wants to go with Grandma/sit with Grandma. One day she said to TJ, “I want Grandma to take me, Dad, but I don’t worry, I love you still.”
- TJ asked Eva what animal says, “Squeak squeak?” She said, “A bath toy!”
- I told Eva it was time to leave the park and she said, “Mom, nooooo, there’s nothing to worry about! We can stay!”
- One particular weekend, Eva was being extremely blunt about our appearances. She asked TJ, “Oh do you have owies under your eyes?” Then she gets closer, “Oh, no those are just circles.”
- That same weekend she said, “I’m just gonna get a small toy, mom. Small like your head.”
- TJ got a new messenger bag for his birthday and she said, “Ooooh, I liked daddy’s new purse!”
- “Mom, I want to keep my body. I don’t want to put it underground with a rock on top.”
- And to wrap up the weekend with subtle insults, she said to TJ, “Daddy, you have a gold tooth!”
- “I have a belly ache, mom, in my mouth. Just like you.”
- “Quesadillas are SOOOO weird.”
- “I can’t eat that right now. I’m too hot.”
- “I’m too full to go potty.”
Funny Eva Sayings: One, Two, Three, Four
3 Years
2 1/2 Years
25 Months
2 Years
Twenty-three Months
Twenty-two Months
Twenty-one Months
Twenty Months
Nineteen Months
Eighteen Months
Seventeen Months
Sixteen Months
Fifteen Months
Fourteen Months
Thirteen Months
Twelve Months
Eleven Months
Ten Months
Nine Months
Eight Months
Seven Months
Six Months
Five Months
Four Months
Three Months
Two Months
One Month
Two Weeks
One Week
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