21 Day Fix: End of Round 1

I mentioned a bit back that I was doing 21 Day Fix this month. I’ve been trying to lose weight since the baby and I’ve had some success but would gain it back eventually because I didn’t really have a plan, nor was I working out. But I had seen my good friend Lelia from back home and how healthy she had become through 21 Day Fix so I thought I would give it a try. She made us think of why we wanted to do it. At first, I said that I wanted to fit into my clothes. I was sick of looking at my closet with tons of cute clothes but nothing that fit me right anymore. She said that was good but to dig even further. I thought about it for a couple days, made a couple drafts but then came up with this. I posted it on my fridge and made a copy for my car so I would see it whenever I was tempted to eat something I shouldn’t.


This is really personal, obviously. But now at the end of the round, I’m ready to share it! When I wrote this, I was still really struggling with being happy everyday. I found myself having a hard time dealing with my anxiety and not appreciating each day with my family. I would look in the mirror and have terrible self-talk. That’s what I want out of this. That’s why I want to lose the weight. I want to be able to relax, have more energy, be healthy, feel better about myself, so I can be there and be the happy mom for my kids and for my husband.

Lelia also had me make a mood board of inspirational pictures to help me have a virtual goal. I chose pictures from when I felt happy, energetic, athletic, and at my fittest. I do think it’s important to note that, just because you’re skinny, doesn’t mean your healthy! Skinny is not my goal…. healthy and fit is my goal!


Well, it’s the end of the 21 days tomorrow and as of this morning I am down 8.5 pounds and feel terrific. I worked out every single day, which has given me something to be proud about personally! I drank at least 80 ounces of water each day, usually more. Ate clean and healthy food every single day. Rarely snacked after dinner (that was the biggest amazement for me because usually I would gorge in front of the TV at night!). And the biggest surprise… I found myself so happy each day. Somehow I had more energy. I was able to play outside with Eva much more and not get tired as quickly. TJ and I got along so well this month and I found that I only had two anxiety moments, which I was able to recognize and try and move past (news flash: it always is triggered by being late!). So, 8.5 pounds, more energy, more muscle and strength (I don’t have to modify on the workouts nearly as much as when I started)! It’s been so great I’ve decided to do it another month! I was going to call it good, but I’m still not where I want to be physically, so I’m gonna keep at it!

Since Sunday is the last day and I start the next round on Monday, I’m letting today be my cheat day! We were going to go to Cheesecake Factory for our anniversary, but TJ is sick so that will be postponed for another day. Instead, I’m taking Eva to the movies and I’m getting popcorn (as long as I get my workout in first!). I don’t miss much food after the 21 Day Fix, but movie theater kettle corn will ALWAYS be my biggest temptation.

Here’s to a healthy and active life! Having trouble with anxiety in your life? Try to exercise. I know, it sounds miserable, and there are days when I still don’t want to do it. But the accomplishment you feel after doing it is so worth it and so good for your mental health!

1 reply
  1. Kiley
    Kiley says:

    I love this! Also, I think you look great but I know what you mean about all your goals. This pregnancy has been pretty hard on me and I’ve already gained more weight then I would like. This post was motivating. Thanks for sharing!


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