11 Months

Yesterday, Eva turned 11 months. I’ve grown very sentimental lately as I have been remembering the past year, how much Eva has changed, and how much Eva has changed our family.

This past month Eva has grown even more entertaining and spunky. Recently, I’ve noticed how much we laugh together. Eva particularly laughs if you start to laugh first. It doesn’t even matter if you’re faking it, she just laughs right along which then really creates this endless and hilarious cycle of laughter.

Diva Eva still sleeps wonderfully. We put her to bed around 8 every night, she’ll get up around 5 or 6 for a bottle, then back to sleep until about 8:30 or 9. A couple of days last week her first nap was almost 3 hours long and so it kept cutting out her second nap. I worried she was ready to switch to a one nap routine, but we’re back to normal and hopefully we can prolong that until the 18-month stage.

We have noticed that Eva really knows when she’s doing something she’s not supposed to be doing. She also knows when we say the word “no.” If she’s caught in the act, such as playing by the fireplace or by a a shelf in our dining room, she crawls away so fast, smiles, and laughs. It’s like she’s playing a game. When we say, “No,” she will look at you with the cutest puppy dog eyes and pull out her adorable bottom lip. T.J. says that I taught that to her, but I’m blaming it on him.

Every night we open up on of the blinds on the back door and say that Eva’s friend is over to visit. She will just stand in front of her reflection for quite some time, laugh, and giggle to herself. I love it.

Eva HATES baths. When we get her close to the bathtub, she FREAKS out. It’s like she had a traumatizing experience in there or something. One day she loved it, the next day she hated it, and it’s only gotten worse since then. I thought maybe she’d like to bathe in the kitchen sink instead, thinking it would be fun to switch it up. Nope. Just as horrible. Isn’t that crazy?

One of Eva’s favorite things, on the otherhand, is being outside. Whether she is riding her little airplane, playing in the leaves, watching the leaves fall, or sitting in her stroller and watching cars, she could stay outside for hours. Today she stared out the window and watched the snow fall so I decided to bundle her up and take her outside to touch the snow. She even liked being out there in the cold!

Eva is back to normal with eating. She’ll eat just about anything again, which is so nice! It was such a struggle for a while to get her to eat. I do have to really distract her if I want her to finish a whole baby food container, but it’s worth the work.

This month Eva has been saying “mama” and “dada” a lot and, although I’m not positive, it sure seems like she knows what they mean. She babbles a lot though. Everyday she’ll say different sounds but usually focus on one. Yesterday was EE. She said, “Eeeeeeeeeee EEEEEeeee,” so much that T.J. and I joked saying, “Today is brought to you by the letter ‘E’.”

Another exciting thing that happened this month is that Eva took her first steps. She still crawls 99% of the time, but today she actually took 5 or 6 steps several times and keeps giving her walk a shot. If there’s something that really makes you realize your baby is no longer a baby, it’s when they are taking steps and standing up by themselves.

This may sound silly, but because my parents are both music majors and my mom teaches Elementary Ed Music, I’ve been trying to have singing time with Eva. Yesterday we had a real break through. I’m not joking! I would sing a pitch for a long time, just over and over again. Then SHE MATCHED THE PITCH! She did it with FIVE different pitches. I also did the hand solfége for the notes, so hopefully my baby will be a musical prodigy by the time she’s two! Ha!

I can’t believe in one month we will be celebrating her first birthday. I always thought I would want to do something simple but, holy cow, it is so hard not to want to spoil her to death. I’m going to try my best to keep it low key. But I do love parties…


Bananas, apples, sippy cups of water, drinking out of a straw, her teddy bears, playing peek-a-boo, laughing, exploring, trying to pull the socket protectors out, gingerbread cookies, playing outside, dancing, “singing”, talking on my phone, Mickey Mouse, trying to touch the computer, when Daddy comes home, crawling away when she’s naked, meeting new people, riding in the grocery carts, pulling other kids’ binkies out and chewing on them, getting tickled.


Baths, getting her diaper changed, settling down for her second nap, sitting still.

Ten Months
Nine Months
Eight Months
Seven Months
Six Months
Five Months
Four Months
Three Months
Two Months
One Month
Two Weeks
One Week

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